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Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

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Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

Postby Rina-chan » 04 Oct 2014, 01:37

I've been searching for news or rumors of new places' release date but I saw nothing... TT_TT

I've been starting to get bored in this game...Does anyone knows when will the new places' be released? I'm tired of grinding in laggy Grotto and getting very few EXP now.

I also saw in dungeon points list that there's will be 2 new dungeons to be release, I thought it would be available on the last update but NO. -______-

I hope someone could tell us when things will happens so players won't get bored of playing this "routine" game. The only thing that makes me happy (a bit) in this game is doing aramitama, my "hard-worked" character, and my group chat (moe team). TT_TT
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Re: Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

Postby Goodnight » 04 Oct 2014, 07:07

I hope that they release it sooner, though. It ain't fun to play this game anymore. All we do is grind. We need more places to explore. :|
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Re: Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

Postby Synd. » 04 Oct 2014, 09:59

Edo is more than likely already finished and ready to be put into use... However, the community isn't ready for Edo.

Playerbase is being controlled, shouldn't have to think hard about this one.

Just reach Lv100 and Edo's yours by that time. If you keep thinking about Edo and the increased XP rates, you'll just slow down on grinding levels, and by the time Edo'll be out, you'd be underleveled for even Hard Mode.

Edo isn't "soon."
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Re: Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

Postby Rin Tsuchimi » 04 Oct 2014, 11:48

people will quit by the time edo comes out
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Re: Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

Postby Lynneth » 04 Oct 2014, 12:34

Synd. wrote:Edo is more than likely already finished and ready to be put into use... However, the community isn't ready for Edo.

Playerbase is being controlled, shouldn't have to think hard about this one.

Just reach Lv100 and Edo's yours by that time. If you keep thinking about Edo and the increased XP rates, you'll just slow down on grinding levels, and by the time Edo'll be out, you'd be underleveled for even Hard Mode.

Edo isn't "soon."

Yes, controlling playerbase enough and grinding down to drainage. I guess they want their ROI comes back first before releasing Edo.. and by the time there we won't know what will happen :roll: :roll:

I saw lots of Onigiri Ads in youtube, websites and many online webs. I guess that costs them much money, and it translates into the current money ingame :roll: :roll:
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Re: Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

Postby Moriya Suwako » 04 Oct 2014, 16:58

Synd. wrote:Edo is more than likely already finished and ready to be put into use... However, the community isn't ready for Edo.

Playerbase is being controlled, shouldn't have to think hard about this one.

Just reach Lv100 and Edo's yours by that time. If you keep thinking about Edo and the increased XP rates, you'll just slow down on grinding levels, and by the time Edo'll be out, you'd be underleveled for even Hard Mode.

Edo isn't "soon."

Uhh, I'm pretty sure at least 75% of the ACTUAL community is ready for edo already (minus the leechers). In fact, the update speed is so slow that a lot of people are actually quitting/considering quitting because there's absolutely nothing to do at the moment. It's not controlling the playerbase; it's actually killing it. There's a reason that there was a big thread regarding player retention due to the sudden drop of players 1 month after Echigo's release.

Edo/Nakasendo is the next area. I'm expecting it to come in about 2 weeks or so when the big updates happen.
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Re: Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

Postby Kirasagi Yugi » 06 Oct 2014, 07:17

No leecher allowed on edo
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Re: Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

Postby AxceL » 09 Oct 2014, 10:09

Well, Leecher cant be avoided... since they are not just other player, some of them are actually our friends who need carry.
But, it is nice if Leecher could actually change their attitude if they cant support. Atleast try to help defeating the boss together since teamwork work better.
I remember during low level in Beta where party ACTUALLY attack the entire dungeon mobs and raid their way to the last dungeon floor, supporting each other and keep spamming skill.
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Re: Nakasendo, Edo, Ginza release?

Postby Yosuke Hanamura » 09 Oct 2014, 18:02

Kirasagi Yugi wrote:No leecher allowed on edo

I hope so.
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