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Postby EmeraldWolf » 16 May 2016, 15:22

So this is just me being curious but lets say CS suddenly decided they wanted all the community feedback they could get, what are the specific things you would like them to implement/fix/improve. No harm in asking and maybe the one in the million chance happens and they use this thread to improve the game(not likely).

Things I'd like to see are:
1) Better quest rewards, not just the whole better exp thing in quests but also the fact that after Kyoto all the main quest rewards just become friendship items plain sucks dong.
2) Improvements to the class system, right now there are a few issues I have with the system. Firstly the lack of any kind of dedicated tank or support kinda sucks, the fact you have to to go full dmg regardless of class is a bummer. Secondly, to go further on the tank thing, enemies do way too much dmg at later lvls due to m def and p def not really doing much to make you tankier. It's clear that they originally wanted these classes due to certain skills like taunt.
3) Improvements to the servers, I mean this is not just due to me being in England but there is a noticable delay on a alot of things which can mess people over quite a lot. This is not just me is it?
4) More ryou at higher levels or less identifcation and smelted costs at lower levels (80-95). This is a real sucker for those at these lvls where getting ryou can be a pain without heavy farming and using boosters. It gets easier at later levels due to the whole leeching Nue thing.
EDIT: 5) The lack of skill force mags for different classes, this one really sucks and makes other classes really hard to be viable. Unless you are willing to part with your OC for the bazaar, you have to do an extreme amount of farming to get decent skill force mags, even more if you want better skill force mags like (for me) Attack Star mags. And I've seen that quests in Japan support bow alot more so I don't really get why it's sparsely support in the US. I would like to see quests, rather than give you the same rewards each time, give you weapons and items tailored to your class but that is unlikely to ever happen due to the amount of work that would require.
Last edited by EmeraldWolf on 17 May 2016, 02:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Improvements

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 16 May 2016, 19:13

There's already a "Feedback & Suggestions" thread, right here:
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Re: Improvements

Postby Firon » 16 May 2016, 20:00

EmeraldWolf wrote:So this is just me being curious but lets say CS suddenly decided they wanted all the community feedback they could get, what are the specific things you would like them to implement/fix/improve. No harm in asking and maybe the one in the million chance happens and they use this thread to improve the game(not likely).

It's happened before, but yeah, it's probably not going to happen again. Chiami Magatama (previously Chian) had it's effect changed to something like "heal hp on crit when hp<50% of max hp" iirc, due to suggestions that it was "too OP". It was changed back a day later due to complaints.

EmeraldWolf wrote:2) Improvements to the class system, right now there are a few issues I have with the system. Firstly the lack of any kind of dedicated tank or support kinda sucks, the fact you have to to go full dmg regardless of class is a bummer. Secondly, to go further on the tank thing, enemies do way too much dmg at later lvls due to m def and p def not really doing much to make you tankier. It's clear that they originally wanted these classes due to certain skills like taunt.

This one would probably be a bit difficult seeing as some enemies hit the whole room. Well, the whole targeting system would probably be a problem too.

EmeraldWolf wrote:3) Improvements to the servers, I mean this is not just due to me being in England but there is a noticable delay on a alot of things which can mess people over quite a lot. This is not just me is it?

I'm not sure how much this would help, but this would be nice. The game has started to get a large dependency on "Just Guarding".

EmeraldWolf wrote:5) There are more but i'd like to see what you guys come up with. :D

I can't really think of many at the moment, but:
  1. Magatama drop rates. Being able to get decent skill force magatama by the time you're in Kaga for all weapon classes should be a given. Given the ornamentation rates and number of ornaments, I would guess that a higher rate was their intention from the start.
  2. Friendship level cap. It should have been increased by now, right?
  3. Equipment sets. I know it's a work in progress, but it'd be nice if it was introduced sometime soon.

Also, if there was a quest that gave players, say, 4 rank 4+ sf magatama for their appropriate class at some point (thinking Kaga again), I think that would be somewhat helpful with balancing out things.
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Re: Improvements

Postby Dark Deceiver » 16 May 2016, 23:12

Proper weapon balancing.

Being able to share optional quests.

Fixing those damn Kikuzou so they don't crash players with less-than-perfect computers.

Doing something about the ridiculous difficulty spikes.

Stop with the hidden nerfs and be open about them.
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Re: Improvements

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 17 May 2016, 18:17

Given that I also play from Britain, and don't experience latency, I'm inclined to question if it's really the servers. My ping has never exceeded 35 while playing Onigiri. The only lag I experience is FPS lag due to my graphics card being AIDS. Once I finish building my new PC (which will have two GTX970s) that'll end and I should cease to ever have any kind of lag at all.

One of my characters *is* a dedicated supporter, but I can only really support someone up to around Sekigahara at the moment, due mostly to having no good SF mags. Healing I can handle though, and I have 2 Resu staves at the moment. Would be nice if defence actually did something though, since getting one-shot by basic mobs at mid-game is just BS. Thing is, if you focus on pure tanking, your DPS is going to be tiny and you'll never be able to solo dungeons before getting timed out. You could hybrid, in theory, but your DPS would still suffer and eventually mobs would overpower your defences again. So I don't see Tanks happening any time soon. But supporters exist. They're very rare since Staves aren't good for fighting (very few worthwhile offensive skills), plus soloing with Staves is friggin' difficult, but they exist.

I strongly agree with Firon on Mag drop rates. They should be higher on Hell than on Hard, but they're not for some bizarre reason. The result is that you either have to grind the same dungeon 200 times a day, every day for a year, or else buy mags from other players. I also think marble glass drop rates should increase. Especially rare ones like Orange Glass Marble. I've never found a single one of those in a dungeon. The only one I obtained, I got from a Marble Basket during an OC campaign.

I agree with the hidden nerfs as well, and the bizarrely random buffs. For a while they were just buffing the hell out of wands and ignoring everything else. Then they went and nerfed a bunch of skills, and changed the element weaknesses of several mobs. Make up your minds Cyberdildo.
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