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Mephistopheles' adjustments

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Mephistopheles' adjustments

Postby Phaden » 16 Sep 2016, 12:01

Does anyone know what gave CS the great idea to make Mephisto's shock wave attack poison the player? It makes it almost impossible to kill him now. People complained about it stacking massive amounts of poison status and killing people in seconds after the Ifrit update, and CS claims to have nerfed it (didn't really happen, people still sometimes get 7x stacked and die right there), but what was the point in making it poison you in the first place? And sure, people with the mount can avoid it to some extent, but what about those who haven't been fortunate enough to get him? This is preventing people from getting their Completion weapons.

Really, Cyberstep, you need to fix your game.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2015, 11:49

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