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Treasure chests

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Treasure chests

Postby Wet,_wet » 01 Feb 2017, 01:09

Does treasure chests like the ones at house of hinawa have better drop rates on hell? I'm already using steal attack iII

Edit also are they effected by drop boost?
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Joined: 14 Jul 2016, 18:53

Re: Treasure chests

Postby Descender » 01 Feb 2017, 01:43

Wet,_wet wrote:Does treasure chests like the ones at house of hinawa have better drop rates on hell? I'm already using steal attack iII

Edit also are they effected by drop boost?

Treasure chests still has the same drop rates regardless of what difficulty you choose.
I'm not sure if using steal attack on chest raises the mag drops,but I still do it,since no1 has been able to confirm this theory.
Nope they're not affected by drop boost it seems.(I could be wrong)
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