by Lifariz » 02 Jul 2014, 04:29
Grade corresponds to the weapon's improvement of first max durability and base atk power. The base ofc is the weapon at Grade 0. When rolling for a weapon, it's entirely pure luck(and high lvl Shizuka) if you get a high grade weapon with good skills. Increasing grade in smelt increases base atk and durability.
You can have a grade 0 rank 1 weapon with 3 rare skills on it or a high grade rank 5 weapon with shet skills on it. Most of the game's equipment depends on a gamble.
But usually, people would choose a Grade 0 Rank2+ weapon with imba skills over a Grade 99 weapon with shet skills.
Also, weapon dmg only gets visible at around late-mid game, since usually affinity overtakes weapon damage by a large margin, so it's normal to see lvl40+ people wearing +70 lvl10 weapons.
IGN: Lifariz
Weapon Class: Odachi, Buffing Staff
Please, when you enter Kaga onwards, at least be able to cast invig IV/V/VI when you decide to leech. Please and Thank you.