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Is this an International Game?

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2014, 03:33
by zecexe
~ Hello, im From Philippines and I just want to ask if this is an International Game that we can play it?

Re: Is this an International Game?

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2014, 08:04
by Zero
Yes the EN server that will have the CBT in june 5 will be an international server

Re: Is this an International Game?

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2014, 15:22
by Minato
If its like Alpha, it wont ip block anyone

The Japanese server doesn't block anyone out either so anyone should be able to play the EN server on the 5th

Re: Is this an International Game?

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2014, 20:47
by Zero
To this day i have not seen any C.S. game that IP blocked any country for a AT or BT or even CBT (at least not in the Japanese or English servers)