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Why do my Onigiri Online cant play the game?
05 Jun 2014, 05:26
by EroManiac
may i ask, its just a simple question...
why did my onigiri online only have the button to register, but not the icon for playing the games?
whats wrong with that? i dont understand it at all...
Re: Why do my Onigiri Online cant play the game?
05 Jun 2014, 05:30
by savgamer94
probably it will have log in screen when the game will open... its still closed
Re: Why do my Onigiri Online cant play the game?
05 Jun 2014, 05:49
by EroManiac
i means, i already open the games (the game has started), but there are only the button for register... mann, this is confusing...
Re: Why do my Onigiri Online cant play the game?
05 Jun 2014, 05:51
by Lazgrane
You will be able to log in tomorrow.
For now you can only reg your acc
Re: Why do my Onigiri Online cant play the game?
05 Jun 2014, 05:53
by EroManiac
ow, thanks for the info! its really helpful
Re: Why do my Onigiri Online cant play the game?
05 Jun 2014, 05:57
by Lazgrane
Hmm actually it's tomorrow in my timezone.
This server use GMT -6 timezone right? Then it should be 6 hour from now on.
Re: Why do my Onigiri Online cant play the game?
05 Jun 2014, 06:06
by Lazgrane
Not gmt -6, it's gmt -7.
Currently it's 6:05 in this server. 7 more hours till loginable
Re: Why do my Onigiri Online cant play the game?
05 Jun 2014, 06:12
by EroManiac