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Void Dodge / Game Mechanic Exploit Maneuvers

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Void Dodge / Game Mechanic Exploit Maneuvers

Postby Helioxx » 06 Jun 2014, 03:18

While playing in a dungeon, I used a Void Slash I against an enemy. The enemy was high level, and I realized that it would attack soon. I dodged during the Void Slash I, figuring I would cancel move to the right, and hopefully dodge the enemy's attack; however, as I dodged, my character phased out of visibility for a moment while leaping way farther to the right than usual. I both widely dodged the enemy's attack and distanced myself at least a few in-game meters.

This was far more effective than a regular dodge, so I began to test whether I could perform the move again and if it would be as potent. After a few tries, I realized that at upon dodging at a certain moment during the Void Slash I, I could actively dodge farther than usual.

I decided to call the movement Void Dodge, though you guys may have noticed it already and any name is ok. The direct things that I observed:

-The dodge is activated by dodging at a certain moment after the second strike of a Void Slash, before the third strike

-During the movement, the character appears to disappear briefly and dodges significantly further than a usual dodge

The enemies in the dungeon did a large amount of damage and aggro-ed, and the modified dodge helped a lot. I have performed the dodge repeatedly and voluntarily with two Void Slash variations and it appears to work with any sword Void Slash due to them having the same animation. I have only tried it with the sword, though, I'm not sure about other weapons. I'm also not sure if the movement and effect is intentional or a glitch, but the developers should allow it to remain in the game, it's helpful and skill-based. The dodge appears to actively dodge the enemy's attack, as if the game recognized the character's movement. Characters may still be hit, the dodge does not seem to allow invincibility.

So, what do you guys think about this movement and parts of the game similar to this? This thread is generally for if anyone would like to talk concerning any kind of maneuvers that may help strategy while playing, whether based on the game's mechanics with or without a glitch or working within the game's intended parameters.

Everyone should try different kinds of weapons with different actions and skills, you may figure out a useful exploit or tactic. If you're unsure, post about it. Someone may appreciate your idea, or add to it.
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Re: Void Dodge / Game Mechanic Exploit Maneuvers

Postby Sliferx » 06 Jun 2014, 05:23

Thats not something specifically related to void slash. Can be done with other skills, just saying. ^^
Posts: 28
Joined: 06 Jun 2014, 05:19

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