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6 Party Tactis taht wil lget you Killed

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2014, 09:54
by Kaminari Seiya

Tactic 1: Tanking
Can you guess what's about to happen to Mr. X right here?

Tactic 2: Mobbing
One does not simply kill all mobs silmutaneously.

Tactic 3: Momotarou
Can you see anything going on here?

Tactic 4:"Archers focus on Laterns..."
...while melees poke the air.

Tactic 5: Leeching
What is that guy doing over- where's my health?

Tactic 6: Everyone callsout Momotarou

Re: 6 Party Tactis taht wil lget you Killed

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2014, 10:01
by Taicho-Senpai
Must stop laughing. . .can't breathe. . .(ºДº)

Re: 6 Party Tactis taht wil lget you Killed

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2014, 10:21
by Minato
1 and 2 wont get you killed if you're a spearman.
You take like less than 5 damage while blocking and you can kill all the mobs at once.

and god momo.. he's like the only partner that ever glitches out for me x.x

Re: 6 Party Tactis taht wil lget you Killed

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2014, 11:50
by Rezuga
Minato wrote:1 and 2 wont get you killed if you're a spearman.
You take like less than 5 damage while blocking and you can kill all the mobs at once.

and god momo.. he's like the only partner that ever glitches out for me x.x

Momo is the only one that hasnt glitched out on me. Hes my 2nd favorite partner right after Shizuka cause shes boss and kills bosses for me.

Re: 6 Party Tactis taht wil lget you Killed

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2014, 13:37
by Kuurei
Fairly hilarious, point 1 and 2 are debatable if you use Spears however.

Leeching is just dumb, and really heals/buffers should be awarded for taking that role, since it's one of the least gratifying no matter WHAT game you play.

You also forgot #7 --

Ibakari Douji and Defense? Do not belong in the same sentence, unless 'Does not have any' is wedged in there. Less =/= More in this case.

Re: 6 Party Tactis taht wil lget you Killed

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2014, 13:53
by Kaminari Seiya
Actually, 7 is...
Tactic 7: Kiting
Did you know there's an invisible wall there?

Re: 6 Party Tactis taht wil lget you Killed

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 10:32
by Senpai
lol I read the first part of 4 and was just like I don't see what is wrong with archers focusing the lanterns first... then read the second part and was like oh haha

Re: 6 Party Tactis taht wil lget you Killed

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2014, 19:35
by Scnoobi
these are all just wrong :) especially since your doing byakkou. super easy to solo even with 5 in a party. using a crappy lvl 11 wep at lvl 18.

Re: 6 Party Tactis taht wil lget you Killed

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2014, 07:30
by Kaminari Seiya
No offense sir, but you have no sense of humour.