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!!Spammer Alert " bengalibaba99 " !!

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2014, 21:37
by WulfenKnight
Obviously you can see this person is a HUGE Spammer.... (Exactly)7 pages worth of "Black Magic" cult/chain letter related stuff.... I'd request that his speaking writes be remove but maybe that is alittle harsh. :D... *shrugs*

Anyways on a happier note.. HI o=o...?(To everyone except bengalibaba99)

Re: !!Spammer Alert " bengalibaba99 " !!

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 00:43
by Tempura
Hi, I cleared out the spam.

Sorry for the wait, we should be faster with keeping the forums clean once the game gets released and things are more active. If bot spam continues to be a problem we'll add a captcha or something to prevent it.