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Patch notes?

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2014, 06:46
by Hunter
Have they said what they're updating for official release if anything? Is there a patch?

Because beta was pretty much unplayable with tons of lag, no graphical options, virtually no options of any kind, no hotkey customization or controller customization, and just in general felt like pre-alpha, so there's a big patch coming yes?

Re: Patch notes?

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2014, 06:50
by SupremeTentacle
Yeahhhh the options don't really change.

At least they didn't in jp.

Re: Patch notes?

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2014, 07:41
by Hunter
... this game is going to flop so hard

Re: Patch notes?

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2014, 08:07
by maxwell3094
As far as I know from hearing about JP version there is still no graphics options or keyboard/controller button customization. I still say the lag is MOSTLY on the ends of the player though as my shitty little laptop which is old and has issues in nearly every game I play can run Onigiri perfectly fine. There was only 1 time during this CBT where there was actually a noticeable lag (felt like the way alpha was XD) and I think that was from being on a heavily populated channel as it was fine after me and my friend moved to a different channel.