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Sheryl quest...?

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 06:32
by Zomb0
When does the Sheryl quest end? I've been going on and on and since I'm only level 28, if it brings me to Kyoto that might, frankly, prove a problem. I caaan probably get a party if I need to do a dungeon somewhere, but people are scarce in Kyoto. Maybe I'm just on the wrong channel.

So, at which city does Sheryl's quest end?

Re: Sheryl quest...?

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 06:42
by Otonashi
Her final quest requires you to clear 4 Sekigahara dungeons on hard, then talk to her in Kaga where the quest completes.

Re: Sheryl quest...?

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 06:47
by Zomb0
Oh, what the hell?

Thanks for the answer. Looks like another week of grinding.