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I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 19:11
by Metaspark going twin swords/bow

I'm currently level 28 and have done about half the partner quests in Kyoto, and I feel like I'm a lot weaker than I should be

when grinding byakkou cavern, I see other players using spears and odachis cleave through entire waves of enemies, meanwhile I'm sitting here either poking a single target with my tiny swords for moderate damage, praying that I can dodge before it one shots me with a basic attack, or I'm firing off a piddly white peacock III from my bow that barely tickles whatever it hits, despite my bow being +50

are twin swords and bows this disproportionately weak? or am I just doing something really wrong? the most I can really imagine it being is that I'm still using weapons I get from byakkou cavern (Heavy Rattan Bow +50, Balmung +20)

on another note, is it just more or is there a severe lack of Twin Sword and Bow Affinity Magatama from quests compared to other weapons?

Re: I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 19:34
by Spirea
Spears are severely overpowered compared to other classes, not to mention that spears have so many good magas compared to the rest.

Re: I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 19:39
by sigmablade
all you say is the future of twin sword and bow no matter if you do right or wrong because both not have much AoE to clear creep fast like katana oodachi spear , both only have high damage on boss , totally not suit for long run dungeon or grind party 5 people hell that make dungeon have like 100+ monster and all can also 1 hit you too

I can't find any twin sword and bow in high level (100+) in youtube , only spear , wand , Pow , show how much popular twinsword,bow in jap lol

Bow affinity do have many magatama and can craft
twin sword only have few magatama , and the request of those magatama is up pow , lol

P/S : funny story in Onigiri Group FB a butthurt 2x twin sword user last night protect his Great Twin Sword and say sh*t like twin sword have debuff high DPS AoE and can using bow kitty boss and 5 dex user run faster than 5 pow or 5 spear , I show him video run dungeon jap and he still say sh*t , in the morning ( vietnam ) I check group post , and he start to ask how should he build pow char , I serious lololololololololol

Re: I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 19:43
by Nhikxter

I know what you mean. I'm also a pure dex twin/bow user and so far the only thing I enjoy about it is being able to solo most dungeons with minimal damage received. Somehow I wish dex gave a minor dodge rate or something. Anyway, after several runs in Byakkou I too noticed the benefits of being a spear user. On top of all that, I even got a decent Otegine with Devastation IV, Lunge Step IV and Intimidate V. I barely have vit but in hell runs I can do more with that +10 spear than I could with a +50 Artemis, like mobbing, pushing them away from support, so on. Sure my bow can pick off 1 at a time easily, but you just gotta love having a lot of aoes. If this keeps up I might reroll to defensive or just make another character.

Re: I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 19:50
by Midnightmare
Bow does have good aoe'ing moves, you just haven't found them. And the reason spear is the meta is because water dragon spear/ice blossom is just as good as most ougis if not better, it's literally the perfect soloing class at this point in the game but it's not that it's necessarily overpowered (but is amazing), it's that other weapons are underpowered due to various factors including range and survivability.

This will probably change once we have access to the rest of the ougis (yes there are more, and stronger, ones) as well as the rest of the magatamas (afaik spear skill force magas do not go over 120%, but there is ones for other weapons that can do 150% or more) - There is definetly a reason why odachi is just as common as spear in the other version.

On the topic of twin swords.... they are by far the hardest to play class with long animations, low hp, low def and mediocre damage and thats why most people who go dex switch to bow halfway through the game.

Re: I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 19:55
by SeekerFate
Spears, rather than overpowered, are more poor man's easy path to doing a decent amount of damage and start losing "some" luster past mid-levels. (helps when they have really nice maga) But technically Oodachis (guess I'll say katana's as well if you can pour money/get ougis/good skills but are harder to power up than Oodachis) are stronger later on. Wands are on par with spears starting mid-late building especially if you can get their stronger abilities by then (luneon's video of clearing nyaruko, wherever it may be I don't have the link atm).

But generally yeah, bow/twin blades are kinda beginner/content clearing weapons that'll do you well enough through the content but leaves something to be desired when other classes do so much more. (I switched from bow myself, and could've chosen anything, thankfully slifer didn't say anything more to make me not choose spear, but specifically spear because of a certain reasons)

(Also, them spear ougis, look nice -kinda-, but are basically mostly complete shit in practical usage)

Re: I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 20:31
by Yokai
I know the feeling... However.. if you get the Ougi Dark Cannon.. it's GG.

So OP. All the other AoE's are pretty shit though

Re: I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 20:51
by Taicho-Senpai
Bows pros and cons.

- Reliable bossers.
- High AoE utility at high ranks.

- Needs Skill Force% Mags to be effective when grinding on hell at high level content.
- Skill force% bow mags are rarely dropped and rarely sold while the other classes wipe their asses with skill force% mags.
- No good ougis whatsoever. Sure we have our little fancy shmancy cannon with long range and AoE but turns to utter doodoo on hell at high content.

- Bow users need to work harder for damage than all other classes when it comes to mid-high level content.

Re: I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 20:56
by Takurannyan
No good ougi is a good thing, no need to spend cash for it

Re: I feel like I've shot myself in the foot...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2014, 23:11
by SupremeTentacle
SeekerFate wrote:(Also, them spear ougis, look nice -kinda-, but are basically mostly complete shit in practical usage)

No, not really.

While 2 and 3 are eh...

Ougi 1 (Spirit Blast) is probably the best possible skill the class could ever have.