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About Weapon Smithing

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 07:43
by NinjaMH
I would like to know how others feel about Weapon Smithing. Bolded the lines that I would like implemented.

Weapon Smithing should be made easier in terms of the weapon levels needed in recipes.

I know this is a time and gold sink but it discouraging to have to have to play with RNG so much.

For example, some recipes need +2, +3, or +4 from 0, like seriously? Just round everything to closest 0.

Currently I'm trying to craft the level 67 Twin Swords that require 2 wands. The 2 wands needed are Bakuyahouken and Kanshouhouken, weapon enhanced to +22 and +24 respectively. That means I need to smelt a minimum of 2 times each, might not seem a lot but taking into account that you would want multiple of the smithed weapon.

Say I want 5 of these Twin Swords, I need a minimum of 15 each, making a minimum of 30 total weapons. But if their enhance levels were normalized to closest 0, I would only need a minimum 10 each, making a minimum of 20 total weapons. Hope my math is right.

Not going to even mention the cost this is purely about the unnecessary smelting required to smith weapons. This applies to a number of recipes, just used this example because it's what I am going for currently.

Just round the weapon enhance levels needed to closest 0.

Re: About Weapon Smithing

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 07:56
by Celie
Alternatively, you could just get some treasure swords for smelting crafted weapons, as even the drops required to smith certain weapons can take awfully long to obtain. In particular, a level 33 staff required me to get 60 lotus spoons (pretty rare swamp sticky drop), which meant 4+ hours of grinding in Seiryuu Grotto's first room on hell difficulty over and over again. I don't think I will be smithing that again any time soon.

Re: About Weapon Smithing

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 09:09
by NinjaMH
I was going to bring up material matters after some responses about the weapon level, but yes the amount of certain monster drops are absurdly high and should be lowered.

The mention of the treasure sword is not a solution at all. Yes, I could use it but I shouldn't have to. While you can get them in Lucky Boxes, it is not worth real money to use these to help with a matter that can be addressed by easing the requirements of weapons that don't even provide a good alternative for the time spent making them.

Re: About Weapon Smithing

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 09:18
by Otonashi
All you're saying is to lower the cost of smithing and not much else. Why round down when they could round up? Still normalised, doesn't change the number of weapons required. If they had wanted it to be easier to smith then it would be +14 instead of +24, not +20. I don't support this.

Re: About Weapon Smithing

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 10:02
by NinjaMH
I do not care about the cost of smithing, money is easy to come by. I talking about the unnecessary need to smelt again just to get a +1 or something. The reason I said to round to nearest 0 is because there is no point to have a weapon at +1 just to craft something.

That's fine if you don't support weapon enhancement level reduction but would you agree that the amount of certain monster drops are somewhat high? Given by Celie, 60 lotus spoons for 1 staff.

Re: About Weapon Smithing

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 10:06
by Otonashi
Certain drops are definitely too hard to come by. Hiderigami Sighs, Dried Tongues, hell some even require stuff like Large Skulls.

By cost I meant time or weapons, not ryou. The +1 is there to make you smelt hence increasing the number of weapons required to craft, it's definitely not unnecessary. That's why I'd rather it be rounded up if anything.

Re: About Weapon Smithing

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 10:14
by NinjaMH
Ah okay, that was a misunderstanding on my part. Then yes rounding up would make sense due to the need to smelt anyways because it's just really awkward right now to need only +1 or something low, to me it just seems like a waste.