after alpha, beta, and release...
Posted: 03 Aug 2014, 20:29
i can honestly say, i haven't found a single point to this game.
wanted it to replace my pso gameplay itch but... can honestly say there is zero point to this game.
there is no end game. zero. the end game, is farming maga's, and that's about it. which essentially is just REDOING content you already did.... endlessly til it drops... and once you get those maga's, and a half way decent wep you just add skills, replace skills, and + it. that's it.. you don't even have to log in ever again until there is new content...and most classes other than healers, don't even need more than one wep.
everyone has either been carried or actually done the max content... since pretty much day 2-5 of release. endlessly..
everyone has been doing ^ ... SINCE. and still haven't had a new content drop.
and honestly, even if content were to fall from the sky right now... we all out level it and its back to square one of what we are doing right now.
so why are you people still playing?
there is no pvp, there is no end game, and your essentially going to be doing the same thing you are right now... the whole time you play this game.
just curious to the reaction of this post. literally.. that's all. and if anyone feels how i feel. iveliterally not logged in for days... and i can say that i've missed NOTHING. (except probably slifer getting a few more levels)
TLDR: there is absolutely nothing to do in this game that keeps anyone logging in... so what makes you keep doing it?
wanted it to replace my pso gameplay itch but... can honestly say there is zero point to this game.
there is no end game. zero. the end game, is farming maga's, and that's about it. which essentially is just REDOING content you already did.... endlessly til it drops... and once you get those maga's, and a half way decent wep you just add skills, replace skills, and + it. that's it.. you don't even have to log in ever again until there is new content...and most classes other than healers, don't even need more than one wep.
everyone has either been carried or actually done the max content... since pretty much day 2-5 of release. endlessly..
everyone has been doing ^ ... SINCE. and still haven't had a new content drop.
and honestly, even if content were to fall from the sky right now... we all out level it and its back to square one of what we are doing right now.
so why are you people still playing?
there is no pvp, there is no end game, and your essentially going to be doing the same thing you are right now... the whole time you play this game.
just curious to the reaction of this post. literally.. that's all. and if anyone feels how i feel. iveliterally not logged in for days... and i can say that i've missed NOTHING. (except probably slifer getting a few more levels)
TLDR: there is absolutely nothing to do in this game that keeps anyone logging in... so what makes you keep doing it?