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where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapons?

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2014, 20:40
by Crown Kyo
where they go ?

Re: where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapo

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2014, 06:54
by Odessa Aragon
ask the pigs who purchase from them and resells it for 200< in kaga

Re: where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapo

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2014, 10:39
by Monkey
Maybe they went to another game where their epeen can be appreciated by more people.

Re: where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapo

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2014, 20:00
by Spooch
I heard Kanno quitted :P

Re: where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapo

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2014, 21:41
by SupremeTentacle
Because this.


Read carefully, and with a discerning eye. It will not make sense unless you know what a Dogura is.

Re: where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapo

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2014, 23:10
by Lynneth
Monkey wrote:Maybe they went to another game where their epeen can be appreciated by more people.

I am one of the buyer of Kanno's wand. But I failed to get the cheapest wand (my planned second wand from Kanno's stall) ._. , and the wand that the person bought I don't know >,<

It's 50 oc for wand with skill lv VII and all the ougis, I think that's pretty cheap, but again, it will be useless if the person who bought it doesn't use it.. :roll: :roll: and I will not buy it 2nd hand from the person who bought it and didn't use it.

I plan to use it when the time comes ...

Re: where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapo

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2014, 23:22
by Jaid
50oc for a near lv 80 wand with 2 ougis. Either the $ value per oc is pennies, or that person musth've went through a lot of free OC stuff.

Re: where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapo

PostPosted: 31 Aug 2014, 00:27
by TheTMD
Really? We can have invig 7 on wand ? best invention of century , I should start ID a tons of trash wands to get invig 7 ASAP :lol:

Re: where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapo

PostPosted: 31 Aug 2014, 01:17
by Lynneth
We can't get invig VII on wand, unfortunately. Failed to get another cheap wand to carry ._l. :( :( There was someone selling it for 65oc for the same specs :( Well, I guess I could be unlucky today :? :?

Re: where did people go who use to sell the cheap ougi weapo

PostPosted: 31 Aug 2014, 01:20
by SupremeTentacle