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Game Glitching

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Game Glitching

Postby kurodoll » 19 Sep 2014, 05:46

Has anyone logged on today and noticed that when you get online, the game is glitching?
I logged on and I kept getting a "congratulations, you have completed a bunch of side quest" Then I receive a lucky box, when I close the window, it keeps showing up over and over and over and over again. My camera angle isn't working, when I click, I can't strike, and when I press my "alt" button, my menu options don't work. I'm stuck in Izumo at the moment, it won't even let me change lands. Has anyone else gotten this, and how do I report this problem?
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Re: Game Glitching

Postby -x-SongNhi-x- » 19 Sep 2014, 06:49

It's not a glitch, its the prizes for clearing dungeons. It's a bit silly how they approached the delivery of these boxes, should have given us a "congratulations you have earned xx boxes" instead of making the player clicking these things 100 times and stuck not being able to do anything else. Was REALLY annoying.
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Re: Game Glitching

Postby kurodoll » 19 Sep 2014, 07:42

AHHHHHHHHH! Thanks so much! I was getting REALLY angered by this and was thinking I was gonna have to make another character. I've worked WAY too hard to get to where I am now (I'm only lvl 28) BUT STILL! XD
It takes forever to level up, and this is the first time in a little over a month I've logged back into my account, so that would explain a lot! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Game Glitching

Postby Sheiko » 11 Oct 2014, 22:39

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