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Is this game still in beta?

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2015, 09:00
by mudge
It seems like some standard mmo stuff like clans and trading is missing.

Re: Is this game still in beta?

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2015, 09:02
by SupremeTentacle
The game was no longer in beta as of July 1st 2014.


Re: Is this game still in beta?

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2015, 06:23
by dispiritment
Yeah, as you can see from above, no, this game isn't in beta anymore.
CS is currently trying to create a clan and PvP system, though I'm not very supportive of PvP because umm... have you heard of this thing called ougi? Yeah. We deal more damage than we can take. Plus bow, wand and staff users can always tab to lock onto you.
Anyways this game is much better off if we just have PvE, I feel that PvP will ruin the game unless CS introduces some restrictions and regulations during PvP fights. I'm not trying to be very anti-PvP, but really, it's just like imagining games like World of Tanks or War Thunder going PvE as well yeah? Some games are just not meant to be. Clans though will be a pretty cool addition, much better than the chat groups and parties that we currently have. Maybe some special dungeons for clans and rewards and things like that.

Trading-wise, the closest thing you have to it are the Bazaar sales which costs OCs and heavy tax rates. There are some things such as clothing, underwear and special items that you are not allowed to sell in the bazaar :( It sucks.
What are usually (and can be) sold: Weps, magatama (recipes as well), ougi, skill set cards. At least what I usually see.

End of day, I don't get why Onigiri is still not in the beta-testing stage. They still have so many bugs.
And so many glitches. And some really horrible shet.
But whatever.

Re: Is this game still in beta?

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2015, 09:12
by SupremeTentacle
Pretty sure a guild/clan system is never coming. If I recall correctly, C$ said that it was unlikely because for whatever reason, JP side doesn't like guilds.
Also, I still remember being told that PvP was coming soon a couple months ago, but it never happened. is what it was supposed to be according to some of the GM we spoke with wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the day.

That said, I'm still hoping it comes simply for the reason that Oppenheimer's name was written as "Dandy" in Japanese.

I'd rather this game still be in a beta stage, as that would leave the implication that they still cared about and were actively working on the game. While I can say this is true for the Japanese server, I honestly can't comment on the status of the english server, as it feels like they've given up on updates.

FFS, if the issue is a lack of a translator/reprogrammer or whatever, I would gladly volunteer some of my time to help.

Re: Is this game still in beta?

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2015, 09:31
by slapnuts
SupremeTentacle wrote:Pretty sure a guild/clan system is never coming. If I recall correctly, C$ said that it was unlikely because for whatever reason, JP side doesn't like guilds.
Also, I still remember being told that PvP was coming soon a couple months ago, but it never happened. is what it was supposed to be according to some of the GM we spoke with wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the day.

That said, I'm still hoping it comes simply for the reason that Oppenheimer's name was written as "Dandy" in Japanese.

I'd rather this game still be in a beta stage, as that would leave the implication that they still cared about and were actively working on the game. While I can say this is true for the Japanese server, I honestly can't comment on the status of the english server, as it feels like they've given up on updates.

FFS, if the issue is a lack of a translator/reprogrammer or whatever, I would gladly volunteer some of my time to help.

+1 I agree, a clan would be a some fresh air to the game, like you i'm STILL hoping =/ if they ever want to compete with the likes of "some other games like this one" you know :)

Re: Is this game still in beta?

PostPosted: 12 Apr 2015, 08:31
by slapnuts
mudge wrote:It seems like some standard mmo stuff like clans and trading is missing.

also for noting.....

it seem's like this game isn't done or at least the way it's played out, are they being lazy to fix a few things? would be really nice for them to add a trade option and fix some of these glitches which I found new ones "least I think so" unless someone else having the same issues?

1. a boss attacks continue even through its dead.
2. some mobs 1 hit you "normal or?"
3. when eating food it won't take hold.

that's just a few of the things I found, like I said I do not know if others found these as well.

Re: Is this game still in beta?

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2015, 22:42
With the food not taking hold thing if your moving and you use any Item in your hotbar(not sure about other nonfood/potion items) the item will be used and will do nothing so whenever I play I have to stop moving for the item to work correctly.

Re: Is this game still in beta?

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2015, 14:13
by Seija Kijin
I don't think Onigiri ever left alpha. Cyberstep is taking way too slowly.