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Things not to do on Gargoyle. Hell mode

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2015, 21:26
by Jakiro
1. Dust Storm Blast
2. Charge a Verdants storm for too long.
3. Use a fire skill.
4. Standing there like an idiot.
5. Have a staff out when theres rapid fire balls flying at you.
6. Be b*tch slapped by gargs club of justice.
7. Basic attacking him when everything is on cooldown due to using a Revive without item.
8. Thinking that you don't need to guard, because apparently rolling is da beste.
9. Be a lvl 105 trying to enter Garg Hell mode.
10. Purposely walking into a fire AOE that was clearly on the ground.
11. Say you were lagging when you really weren't lagging.
12. Join the party when you didn't fulfill the requirements (In need of Ice/Rain + Resu)
13. AFK at the spot before Garg and disconnect.
14. Be a lvl 50 in Hell Mode.
15. Not escaping from Bursting Embers when you knew it was coming.
16. Leaving your friend to die when you had a resurrection staff.
17. Being a douchebag by killing Garg, collecting items, and not resurrecting your ally when they asked for the resurrection. To add further insult to the wound, leave the dungeon so they are forced to use Rev using Items.
18. Join a party, wait till everyone gets inside, then leave party. Then they all get murdered and they will always hate your guts for the rest of your life.
19. Forget to refill your sake.
20. Say "lets go in", and when your allies go in, tell them that you had no energy rip.

Nuff Said

Re: Things not to do on Gargoyle. Hell mode

PostPosted: 07 Nov 2015, 18:18
by HelixDraxzonyx
So I'm guessing someone (more than one person it looks like) actually did these things, because most of these sound way too specific, like hijacking the loot and leaving the dungeon without resurrecting a fallen comrade.

Re: Things not to do on Gargoyle. Hell mode

PostPosted: 07 Nov 2015, 20:04
by Jakiro
That one is true.

There are some made up to be in a realistic situations.

Re: Things not to do on Gargoyle. Hell mode

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2015, 08:49
by Penii
Jakiro wrote:20. Say "lets go in", and when your allies go in, tell them that you had no energy rip.

Ahahaha you don't know how many times..

Re: Things not to do on Gargoyle. Hell mode

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2015, 13:04
by SupremeTentacle
>Fire/wind garg
>Verdant storm


Re: Things not to do on Gargoyle. Hell mode

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2015, 14:34
by Jakiro
SupremeTentacle wrote:>Fire/wind garg
>Verdant storm


Oh dear.