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After the Maintenance

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2016, 03:06
by superssar
... the fever boosts gone and satan's acting a bit weird. He's always use the charge forward attack everytime he turn around.

Re: After the Maintenance

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2016, 03:40
by Khaos Muffins
Finally, better mob AI.
But that doesn't make Satan hard at all :D

Re: After the Maintenance

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2016, 18:59
by Riddras
The daily achievement has also been removed, so no more getting torn SP tickets from them. The NPC to turn them in is still around for those getting torn Sp tickets from Nyankoropon rolls.

FYI if you are getting incorrect torn tickets count, just cancel the quest from your Quests tab and talk to the NPC again to retake it.

Re: After the Maintenance

PostPosted: 03 Aug 2016, 13:56
by Marimo
Riddras wrote:The daily achievement has also been removed, so no more getting torn SP tickets from them. The NPC to turn them in is still around for those getting torn Sp tickets from Nyankoropon rolls.

FYI if you are getting incorrect torn tickets count, just cancel the quest from your Quests tab and talk to the NPC again to retake it.

Let's not forget when you claim your SP Gacha Ticket reward from the towelie bro; you automatically log out with a "Quest error" and be booted in the login menu. Just FYI.

Re: After the Maintenance

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2016, 20:27
by Riddras
That's weird. I didn't get that with any of my turn-ins. Does it happen often?

Re: After the Maintenance

PostPosted: 05 Aug 2016, 01:13
by Marimo
Riddras wrote:That's weird. I didn't get that with any of my turn-ins. Does it happen often?

It'll happen again if I talk to him. See for yourself.