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Weapon Glow/Shine

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Weapon Glow/Shine

Postby Juinn » 11 Dec 2016, 23:57

Hello~ this is just a question regarding weapon glow.

I have seen many players with glowing/shiny weapons while I am playing. At first I thought it was the enhancement level that would make them glow but then I was able to reach certain, let's say, "high" enhancement level on a lot of weapons but I couldn't get them to glow. So I just wanted to know what are the "requeriments" to get a glowing weapon? Do I need to craft it? If so, how can I?

Thanks for the answers in advanced ~
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Joined: 11 Dec 2016, 23:52

Re: Weapon Glow/Shine

Postby Niaaa » 12 Dec 2016, 02:32

Some weapons (weapons above level 100+) already come with an animated appearance, like glowing. There isn't a way to make weapons glow or shine. As you reach Edo, you'll come across those glowing or shiny weapons naturally. Of course, there are certain weapons (with "glowing" animations) that you can craft, but those require you to be at least level 110 and above; like for examples, the finalized Gargoyle weapons (Nova, Rime, Storm).
ign: Eclipsdom LVL 128
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Re: Weapon Glow/Shine

Postby Wibberish » 12 Dec 2016, 15:13

This question was just asked on this same forum a few days ago...

You cannot make weapons glow. Some weapons just have animated appearances.
IGN: Renera
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