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Postby RemieGino14 » 28 May 2014, 04:48

Its looks like an Online version of Senran Kagura, so I wanna give it a try.

For those who were in Alpha testing, is the game fun? Grind Heavy? I like MMOs that are grind heavy so it makes it worth leveling. Looking forward to closed beta!

- RemieGino14 -
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Joined: 28 May 2014, 04:45

Re: Saw this on Facebook.

Postby WulfenKnight » 01 Jun 2014, 12:31

Hallo, i guess you could say it's a grinding game, There are quests but they were a pain and kinda hard too find in alpha. But I ended up mostly grinding myself and lvled pretty quickly aslong as i could get a team for a dungeon. And of course you can grind in the open world.

And i don't really know what "Senran Kagura" is but i kinda thought of this game more like from the anime "Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan"

Otherwise he's a copy and paste from my post last night: Anyways, Hallo and greetings too all you new people :D?... did i say that right? lol For those of you who haven't played onigiri yet, I'll say this: I've played lots of games... LOTS including MMORPGS,MMORTS,MMOFPS. First Person,Third Person..Above person.. Etc. And this game is VERY versatile in combat aswell as fashion/armor wise. And i have high hopes for it! Also.. The graphics are not Call of Duty Awesome. But i'd say they are pretty good, Especially for an anime style game. And besides... Would you rather play a game with Awesome graphics that has a horrible community and gameplay? or a game with decent graphics and Awesome gameplay? :D... i prefer gameplay myself.

Also if you'd like abit of a jump start, Look at my guide in my signature.
Onigiri ENG Alpha Tester IGN: WulfenKnight Lv21, Hekaru Lv30, WolfenKnight Lv11
Onigiri ENG Closed Beta Tester IGN: WulfenKnight, Hikari Lv20, Hekaru
Here's my Old Alpha Guide-->: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2069
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Re: Saw this on Facebook.

Postby RemieGino14 » 05 Jun 2014, 08:25

WulfenKnight wrote:And i don't really know what "Senran Kagura" is but i kinda thought of this game more like from the anime "Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan"

Senran Kagura is an anime as well as a PSvita port that has a similar system to Dynasty Warriors. When I mean't grind fest, something like Ragnarok came into mind. Lol We'll see when I get back home later tonight to play ;D

- RemieGino14 -
Posts: 7
Joined: 28 May 2014, 04:45

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