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Introduce myself

Postby Yukizu » 18 Jul 2014, 18:57

ohayo minna~. I'am Yukari.. i'am born in japan and now i life in Austria (Europe) since i'am 14 year's old.
i haven't play Onigiri for long time .. i start few days ago .. and now i'am level 17 (o w o' ) yes i'am not that fast .. and not so good in english .. but it's enough to understand the most parts from the quest and so on (^ ~ ^' )
well that's my introduce .. i hope it's enough and nice to meet you all and i hope we could be friends (* ^ *' )

Onigiri IGN: Yukizu
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Posts: 2
Joined: 18 Jul 2014, 18:01
Location: Japan

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