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Kain Highwind

PostPosted: 25 Oct 2014, 10:32
by Kain Highwind
Hello everyone,

I figured its a bit late but better late than never :D

IGN: Kain Highwind. I've started playing this game since the 21st of October. I am currently a spear type and I'm having loads of fun with it. Now I'm at level 31 and I've been running around Onigashima to Izumo back and forth to finish side quests. Hello to all and hoping to bump into anyone of you soon. Cheers :D

Re: Kain Highwind

PostPosted: 28 Oct 2014, 23:12
by Firon
Hello to you too :D


Kain Highwind wrote:I've been running around Onigashima to Izumo back and forth to finish side quests.

nc to see someone else who does subquests XD