That wouldn't look cool imo. Needs to be something more along the lines of Palutena's Bow from Kid Icarus, so that would be a Twin Sword/Bow hybrid. However, I'm pretty sure there aren't any hybrids. Not of that nature at least. I mean I've seen wands that look like knives, axes that look like hammers, that sort of thing, but no actual hybrids.
Been curious about this myself, but it looks pretty bleak. Especially when there's Daring that says you can have such a setup. Gets a little confusing.
So, for someone respecing for swords, would it be better to go with a Power build? Or stick to Daring and simply redistribute those points?
Sorry if it's a silly question! Thanks ahead of time.
Edit: N/M Handy dandy Tentacle Stat Guide has me covered. XD