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A Little Liquor to Help ^^ (Boss Killing)

PostPosted: 09 Jun 2014, 15:51
by Gods Thesis
I use the Moon King Liquor to help kill bosses. It helps me outmaneuver them with the 50+ Movement Speed buff. It works well for me against Benkei and Odin.
My Character uses both twin swords and bows. So keep that in mind.

Moving faster is really helpful in dodging skills, kiting, and creating more opportunities to attack.

This is a small token of help.

I used this liquor a lot so I did not need to grind any dungeons to beat bosses.

using the Moon King liquor helped me finish Kyoto at level 21 ^.^/

I hope this Helps!

Re: A Little Liquor to Help ^^ (Boss Killing)

PostPosted: 10 Jun 2014, 02:32
by Rinnosuke
It's a good hint, but I think I will wait my lv 25 for my new bow before that, I dislike stay 5 min on a boss and repair after each try/clean :D

Since I am from France I lagg a bit, moving speed is usefull to compensate.