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Droplist (from JP CBT)

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Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby Eaglesky » 06 Dec 2013, 01:31

So since a lot of people were asking about quest objectives in CBT I figured it would be easier to just translate the entire droplist. Note that it may have changed slightly from the last beta, but so far I haven't found any discrepancies.
Edit: in case anyone is curious, source is here (need to log in to JP site):

■ *妖怪グループ*(JP) ■ *Monster group*(EN) [*Short description of group*]
*妖怪名*(JP) *Monster name*(EN) [*Short description of monster*]: *ドロップ*(JP)
[Since all the item names are in Japanese anyway, I won't bother translating them.]
The drops are listed from most common --> rarest.

■ だるま ■ Daruma [Russian doll-things with chicken legs]
鬱だるま・大鬱だるま Gloom Daruma [Red ones]:鬱だるまの欠片、和紙
痛だるま・大痛だるま Pain Daruma [Green]:痛だるまの欠片、干し鮑
福だるま・大福だるま Luck Daruma [Black]:福だるまの欠片、大福
寿だるま・大寿だるま Life Daruma [Yellow]:寿だるまの欠片、熨斗袋
滅だるま・大滅だるま Ruin Daruma [White]:滅だるまの欠片、墨汁
首領だるま Chief Daruma [Boss]:だるまのキセル、金刺繍の座布団

■ どろどろ・べとべと ■ Dorodoro / Betobeto / Sticky [The round blobs with big mouths]
『共通ドロップ [Common drops]:小さなげた、べとべと』
やみのどろどろ・どくのどろどろ Darkness/Poison Dorodoro [Purple]:烏の羽、黒の色眼鏡
くれのべとべと Sunset betobeto [Orange-brown]:蜜柑の皮の汁、夕暮れの物悲しさ
くさのべとべと Weed betobeto [Green...I think?]:虫よけ薬、青汁の粉、小さなげた
ぬまのべとべと Swamp betobeto [Not sure...maybe blue?]:水草、散蓮華
もものべとべと Peach betobeto [...Peach]:渋い桃、白桃ぷりん
いわのべとべと Rock betobeto [White...I think]:岩清水、土根性大根
福笑い No clue ._.; :笑い袋
竜の番人 Dragon gatekeeper:魚の目、小さな鉄げた *These 4 are the big ones in the 3rd area dungeons (邪馬台国/Yamataikoku)
鳥の番人 Bird gatekeeper:魚の目、小さな鉄げた *
虎の番人 Tiger gatekeeper:魚の目、小さな鉄げた *
亀の番人 Turtle gatekeepr:魚の目、小さな鉄げた *

■ 骸骨 ■ Gaikotsu [Skeletons]
骸骨 Gaikotsu [Regular ones]:あばらの骨、あごの骨
凶骨 Kyoukotsu [Boss]:禍々しい骨、大髑髏

■ 生地 ■ Kiji [Cloth snakes]
一反木綿 Ittanmomen [White one]:木綿の切れ端、上質な木綿、新しい褌
辻神 Tsujigami [Devil one]:古い糸、祟り神の鈴

■ 蛙 ■ Kaeru [Frogs]
雨蛙 Amagaeru [Little frog]:雨蛙の粘液、雨蛙の舌
蝦蟇 Gama [Big frog]:蝦蟇の油、蝦蟇の胃袋
大蝦蟇 Oogama [Boss]:蝦蟇の油、蝦蟇の最高級油

■ 河童 ■ Kappa [Turtle spearmen]
河童 Kappa [Normal blue one]:甲羅の欠片、尻小玉
愚連河童 Guren-kappa [Grey-ish ones]:巨大な胡瓜、愚連なヒレ

■ 油すまし ■ Abura Sumashi [Bald guys with staves]
油すまし Abura Sumashi:黒い油、蝋の欠片
三つ目すまし Three-eyed Sumashi [boss]:黒い油、蝋の欠片、済まし油

■ 蟲 ■ Bugs
子百足 Ko-mukade [Small centipede]:子百足の触角、臭い胃液
大百足 Oo-mukade [Large centipede]:百足の卵、百足の毒
鎧百足 Yoroi-mukade [Big red centipede with a helmet]:百足の触角、百足の体液、蜈蚣
ムスカ Musuka [Flies]:子蝿の翅、子蝿の虹翅
蝿の卵・蝿の大卵 Fly egg:半透膜、胚

■ 続:著作権大丈夫か組 ■ (Joke title) [Tree things]
キムジナー Kijimunaa [Green puffballs]:爽やかな葉っぱ、柔らかい嘴、緑の毛玉
モミジナー Momijinaa [Orange puffballs]:軽石、もみじ
森蔵 Morizou [Green bushes with tri-colored dango]:三色団子、折れた釣竿、うごめく苔
べんがら Bengara [Orange bushes with tri-colored dango]:赤い爪、赤い染料、たけとんぼ

■ 落ち武者 ■ Fallen warriors [Samurai guys]
反魂武者 Hankon musha [Normal sword samurai]:前立の破片、朽ちた兜、枯れた魂
大武者(カナメ) Dai musha(Kaname) [Boss]:立派な柄、無双の前立、血塗れの面頬
太刀武者 Tachi musha [They have longer swords apparently...?]:前立の破片、鉛の太刀
弓武者 Yumi musha [Bow samurai]:矢羽、絹の袋

■ 蟹爺 ■ Kaniji [Old-man crabs]
蟹坊主 Kani bouzu [idk...they're crabs]:蟹真珠、栗色真珠
鬼鋏 Onihasami [Crab boss...?]:ワカメの乾物、呪いの蟹鋏、蟹味噌

■ 鬼 ■ Oni
くびれ鬼 Kubire oni [Ice-blowing ghosts]:ぼさぼさの髪、荒縄
橋姫 Hashihime [Boss of the ice-blowers]:ぼさぼさの髪、荒縄
灯台鬼 Toudaiki [Red-skinned, bare-chested, fire-throwers]:こわれた灯篭、やけた護符
朱の盤 Shunoban [Boss; red, round, one giant eye, unkempt hairdo]:朱の盤の角、朱の盤の舌
夜行さん Yakou-san [Cyclops]:夜行さんの涙、和同開珎
餓鬼 Gaki [Dark version of Morizou, wears a skull]:黒い体毛、骸骨のお面
見越し入道 Mikoshi-nyuudou [Bald guys with long necks]:錆びた剃刀、入道の数珠

■ 神喰い ■ Kamikui [aka final bosses]
ティアマット Tiamat [Area 2 boss]:薄色の鱗、薄色の逆鱗
アーリマン Ahriman [Area 3 boss]:黒燐粉、鈍色林檎
ベルゼブブ Beelzebub [Area 4 boss]:硫黄、逆さまの羅針盤

■ 唐繰人形 ■ Somethingsomething [Floating head and hands stuck in a spiked wheel]
輪入道 Wa-nyuudou [Minor boss in Area 4]:車輪、消えない松明
血塗れ入道 Chimamire-nyuudou [Minor boss in area 5]:ひしゃげた五寸釘、呪われた血

■ 過去英雄組 ■ Past heroes
辻斬モモタロウ Momotarou:煤けた包帯、吉備団子
弁慶 Benkei:鉄の歯車、燃える水

■ 式神 ■ Shikigami
黒式 Kuroshiki [Black paper dolls]:灰
式札 Shikifuda [Paper dolls]:灰、呪
式神呪(杖)Curse shikigami (staff):灰、呪
式神斬(刀) Slice shikigami (sword):灰、呪
式神突(槍) Pierce shikigami (spear):灰、呪

■ 少数分類 ■ Minorities
化け猫 Bakeneko [cat]:猫のひげ、猫の足音
日照り神 Hiderigami [One-eyed boss in Area 3]:日照り神の吐息、灼熱の香炉
ぬっぺらぼう Nupperabou [Meatbags that look like their fat is dripping off]:ぷるぷるな肉、ほろほろな肉
ぬりかべ Nurikabe [Whomps]:石膏、鬼瓦
大ぬりかべ Dainurikabe [Big whomp?]:炭
赤目壁 Akamekabe [Whomp with red eyes]:炭、金剛の砂
ペナンガラン Penangaran [Red/yellow floating dragon things in Area 4]:赤い鱗、ペナンガランの尾
雲外鏡 Ungaikyou [Disc-heads floating on clouds]:妖鏡の欠片、消えない雲
雁首 Gankubi [Green swamp creature]:かたい顎鬚、狸の尾
鵺 Nue [Drunken monkey boss]:砂鉄、鵺の心臓、鵺の鳴き声
八束像 Yatsukazou [Stone warrior boss]:青銅の欠片、お飾りの足
土転び Tsuchikorobi [no clue]:山菜
提灯 Chouchin [It means lantern...take that as you will]:竹ひご、ふぐ提灯
野槌 Notsuchi [wat the wat]:野槌の消化液
三成 Mitsunari [idk]:関ヶ原おこし
秀吉 Hideyoshi [who?]:ワカメの乾物、蟹味噌
家康 Ieyasu [って誰?]:柿の種、分福茶釜
ハデス Hades [I assume its a boss]:暗黒の煙、駆逐除草剤
ケルベロス Cerberes [Another boss?]:棘付き首輪、蜂蜜、ケルベロ酢
デスサイズ Death Scythe [probably]:鎌専用砥石
オーディン Odin [Area 5 boss]:黄金の兜の欠片
おでんクリスタル Odin crystal [The crystals spawned by Odin that shoot you with stuff]:干し葡萄

□ その他 □ Others [These are drops common to an area, not monsters]
鬼ヶ島・奇怪ヶ原 Onigashima/Kikaigahara [Area 1]:奇怪原石、獄鉛
大隈平野・桜島 Okuma plain/Sakurajima [Area 2]:大隈原石、突柱石、桜石
邪馬台国 Yamataikoku [Area 3]:邪馬原石、霊魂髄
出雲 Izumo [Area 4]:出雲原石、底根燐
京 Kyo (short for Kyoto) [Area 5]:京原石、浮遊玉
関ヶ原 Sekigahara [uhh...Area 6 I assume?]:関ヶ原原石、妖楽通宝、冥府のザクロ
全域 Everywhere:火炎石、氷晶石、雷電石、光芒石、暗夜石、剛毅石、霊妙石、~の硝子玉、~の勾玉
Last edited by Eaglesky on 09 Dec 2013, 22:20, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby Shiori » 06 Dec 2013, 03:26

Thank you for this.
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Re: Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby Sparky1220 » 07 Dec 2013, 00:31

寿だるま・大寿だるま Celebration(?) Daruma [Yellow]:寿だるまの欠片、熨斗袋

This could be Life Daruma. I'm not entirely sure what color it was, but I know there was a Life Daruma.
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Re: Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby Yuusou » 07 Dec 2013, 01:05

yeah yellow is Life Daruma
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Re: Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby Eaglesky » 07 Dec 2013, 01:44

Fixed it, thanks :)
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Re: Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby Sparky1220 » 07 Dec 2013, 10:48

Np ^-^ And those betobeto, we just call them stickies =p.
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Re: Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby MissRaynor » 12 Dec 2013, 20:44

so, anyone know where can I find Tsujigami... I need that for the costume quest in Kyoto
Signature? Is it edible?

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Re: Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby Yuusou » 12 Dec 2013, 21:17

Err I believe what you need drops from Ittanmomen
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Re: Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby Daiki » 12 Dec 2013, 21:18

MissRaynor wrote:so, anyone know where can I find Tsujigami... I need that for the costume quest in Kyoto

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Re: Droplist (from JP CBT)

Postby Tomoe Gozen » 23 Jun 2014, 19:16

Thanks, this is quite useful.
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