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[Guide] How to Axe??

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Re: [Guide] How to Axe??

Postby SupremeTentacle » 15 Oct 2015, 07:52

Too lazy to update original post but, in light of recent changes.

Rock Shattering Strike
B--->A - It received a damage buff, making it extremely powerful.

Blistering Ice Wave
B - Charge time is obnoxious, but the skill itself is great.

Rock Shattering Strike -Extreme-
SS - Literally the best thing ever... if you don't mind using like 80 dura each time you smack something with it. Literally does more than 2.5 times Asura's damage even with a slice build.

The most viable build has shifted from pure slice/crit from a mix of slice and mountain.
Wind has almost completely fallen out of meta.

And most importantly:

Never put two heavenly shields on a snail magatama or I'll fucking label you as someone with Down's Syndrome.

I'm too lazy to explain why, but you get the point.
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~4 lv. 108 to 115 weapons remaining
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Re: [Guide] How to Axe??

Postby HelixDraxzonyx » 15 Oct 2015, 17:07

SupremeTentacle wrote:Blistering Ice Wave
B - Charge time is obnoxious, but the skill itself is great

I have Blistering Ice Wave on an Odachi. Pretty good, but damn that charge time is just insane. Same with the Verdant Storm on Twin Swords.

SupremeTentacle wrote:And most importantly:

Never put two heavenly shields on a snail magatama or I'll fucking label you as someone with Down's Syndrome.

Lol? There are people who still even use Snail Magatama? I thought that lump of crap was only good for selling or maybe dissolution, but more likely selling.
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Re: [Guide] How to Axe??

Postby SupremeTentacle » 15 Oct 2015, 18:01

It's a good Magatama, just not for the reason that people think it is.

And yes, people trying to copy my build since I was buying a god damn snail, if you're trying to use snail with 105's, you're a moron 8D

On that note, I've realized that the magatama stuff is out of date too, so here's a tl;dr for the current patch.

ALWAYS use 3 Raretsu Magatama.
Your last slot should be a Hangon or an Oumagatoki.

Use Hangon if you use fated contractors.

Use Oumagatoki if you plan to use Avengers on one of your Raretsu.

Do NOT use more than 2 avenger ornaments.

Use Fated contractor or avengers on all your Raretsu.

Use Heavenly shield for mountain on your hangon/oumagatoki if you wish. Anything else is inefficient.

Be careful of the following noobtraps:


Unfortunately, these magatama provide less rock shattering strike damage than a skill force maga. And, unfortunately, that's all that's really important. Double edged cut is too situation of a skill, and is only really good when used in conjunction with feast of the damned, so building for it is inefficient.

Asura is just flat out done and over with.

And yes, I trolled someone by super inflating and buying ladybugs just to fuck with them. They're literally never useful. Was it worth it? Hell yes, I hate it when people copy me when I'm buying things, since most of the time I'm trying to confirm theories so I can flesh things out in a guide once they're actually applicable anyways. If you're one of these people, fuck you :>
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