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[Guide] The Sword in the stone...

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[Guide] The Sword in the stone...

Postby Momiji » 26 May 2015, 18:35

Disclaimer: TOTALLY not based off SupremeTentacle's guide format (Sarcasm intended)
Suggestions, comment below~ All the points written down is based off my experience (which i admit, is significantly lower than pure-sword users)

Overview, Weaknesses and Advantages
Swords are fairly straight forward to use, like the other two power weapons. its a weapon that is heavily cash reliant, with ougis taking prevalence in damage.

While the Sword is a close range weapon designed for fast attacks, it is a close range weapon. Its Fast Attack Speed coupled with Medium Attack Power makes it quite a popular choice amongst players. That might cause an issue as the usage of SP is really high.

TL;DR, The sword is a fast weapon that dishes out high damage.

Skills here will be listed in order done in the wiki: Swords.

Each Skill will be ranked in order of S - F. It is classified by how much total damage dealt, DPS, Activation speed, relative 'stiffness', SP usage, and Cool-down times. Use these with discretion, as this is merely my take on the skills, which may, or may not reflect the full usefulness.

Crap, what is this?
Damm son!
Explain to me again why am i using this...

Collapsing Blade
Class F
Uses a LOT of durabilty for increased damage. Not Viable due to current US durability nerf.

Crimson Sword > Phoenix Slash
Class A
While it is a very damaging skill, the fact that one would have to stay still to dish out all the damage bumps it down a Class. (It can, and MIGHT get you killed.)

Dancer Strike
Class D
Questionable use, as the skill caps at Rank V, and it backsteps a significant distance, which might make it harder to engage targets.

Double Edged Cut
Class B
The skill force of this skill simply does not compare to Axe's version of DEC huge SF.

Dust Storm Blast
Class: C
Unlike its Odachi cousin, its lower mob limit restricts its use.

Empty Sky Slash/Spirit/Holy Empty Sky Slash
Class A
It does really good damage, and instantaneous DPS.

Grim Strike/Sacred Strike
Class B/A
Unlike its Odachi counter part, there are faster skills for the Sword for better DPS

Icicle Massacre
Class C
Its usage is situational, but alike to Odachi, there are skills with better DPS.

Leaping Strike/ Flying Lightning Strike
Class C
Caps at Rank 5. significant startup delay.

Lightning Slash
Class A/S
With Lightning Slash, it does one fast strong slash. Combined with the Lightning Element of the high level sword (Ichimonji Seirai, End Of Days), it deals really nice damage.

Lunge Step
Class A
A very fast skill for closing in on enemies, if boosted with Slice, it does really significant damage. Recommended at Rank 5. Might go S-Class if you stack niggatons of Slice.
(Thanks Ryxa.)

Class E/B
With Chiami, this skill can be used, but its damage is not quite worth the HP drop. Can be paired with Double Edged Cut to dish out decent damage.

Tornado Drop
Class B
Alike to the Tornado Drop of Axes, it can be used to hit many targets at once.

Void Slash/ Void Lightning Slash
Class D
It is weak, and caps at Rank 5.


Blue Fang Blade
Class A
Use at discretion while screaming Getsuga Tensho. A decent ranged skill if slice-stacked.


Fierce God Focus
While a guaranteed crit sounds nice, but not worth occupying a slot.

Way of the Blade
Class: E
Questionable use. There are many titles out there that can easily cover that gap.

Special Skills

Oni Spirit Blast
Class: F
Found in Oni Dagger. Only Rank 3 makes it no use at higher levels.

Coin Explosion
Class: -
If used on a decently smelted Usumidori, it gives a significant ryou boost.


Crimson Flame Blast Smash
Class: A
Good Damage, fast startup if chained.

True Spirit Blast
Class: A
-Really sorry. i don't have a weapon with one-
Very good burst damage, Although it is Impact-Holy.

Thunder Beast
Class: S
One of the dash-type skills in Onigiri, and with correct magatamas, it will shred through the enemies. its Rank 6 makes it feasible for use with Rank 6 magatamas. (Eg, Setsuna Magatama.)

Dance Of Ice
Class B
A delayed startup, but if all ticks hit, it does a nice amount of damage. Situational.

Paradise Of Fallen Lightning
Class C
Extremely Situational. There are better skills out there for DPS.

Verdant Storm
Class S
No image at the moment until i get a sword of my own, since Ougi 5 is non-tradable.
One of the, if not the best hitting damage skills out there.a slight charge time, but its damage increase is significant enough to justify its use.


[Clearing Dungeons With Sword]
Lunge step here,
Lunge Step there,
Thunder Beast all the way~

As well as Lightning Slash and Phoenix slash. its all up to the user.

Status Build for Swords

The First stat to maximise is POW, while adding some MND in the process will add more sustainability. DEX is also a good option as it increases Critical.
Hence, Affinity->Skill Force->Elements
Swords are one of the classes which has an over-abundance of titles to choose from, giving a wide choice in elements available.

You can try out how the boost in a element will affect your damage with SupremeTentacle's Damage Calculator.


Use common sense. Generally, stacking a lot of slice is one way to go.

Experts say: 4x Amara,Fated Contractor ornamentations. Swap one for Chiami or Setsuna by situation.

Late-Game Meta: Sky Rending Magatamas (Lv 105s) is best for damage.
Last edited by Momiji on 25 Oct 2015, 21:09, edited 17 times in total.
What a pain in the ass...
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Re: [Guide] The Sword in the stone...

Postby Miyako Tachibana » 27 May 2015, 08:25

US Onigiri Character:
    Yosh!tsune Lvl 115 Swords
    Myuu Tachibana Lvl 32 Twin Swords
JP Onigiri Character: Tachibana Miyako Lvl 52 Bow
Further preparing for next content~
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Re: [Guide] The Sword in the stone...

Postby Momiji » 16 Aug 2015, 06:59

Equipment recommendations can be found here: Equipment Mini Guide
What a pain in the ass...
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