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Comcast and Time Warner = Onigiri right now?

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2014, 08:59
by Waluigi
(Caution, Bad language ahead I guess, then again you're on the internet, try to escape it)
So Yeah,

They just don't give a fuck.

Re: Comcast and Time Warner = Onigiri right now?

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2014, 09:17
by Fuusuke


Re: Comcast and Time Warner = Onigiri right now?

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2014, 16:14
by Advil_TM
I see. Maybe I am out of the loop. By the literal translation of the words, I appears that something still seems to elude me.
Waluigi wrote:(Caution, Bad language ahead I guess, then again you're on the internet, try to escape it)
So Yeah,

They just don't give a fuck.