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Red Dungeon

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Red Dungeon

Postby Geno » 18 Jan 2014, 09:22

Hi again c:

I´ve got an question.
In the area with the big flies (don´t know the town name) is a dungeon were I can´t go in :c
It´s the first one from the area.

Thanks for the help c:
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Joined: 11 Jan 2014, 09:53

Re: Red Dungeon

Postby WulfenKnight » 30 Jan 2014, 21:40

That town's name is "Izumo" annnd.. it's probably WAAAYY too late at this point cause you probably figured it out or had someone help you by now.

But it's been AWHILE for me cause i've only played the english version. But i "THINK" the first dungeon there requires you to complete a guest before you do it. That'd be the "Magatama Smithing" one. you need:
3 Dark Stone --Can't really remember how too get this... i think it drops like the Izumo Ore.
2 Izumo Ore --To get kill ANYThing in izumo dungeon or in field. it drops randomly but somewhat frequent
1 Glittering Baby Fly Wings --To get just KEEP KILLING THE FLYS...It takes forever!

It could be something else but that's my best guess. since there is no "Required" Lvl for a dungeon just a "Suggested" Lvl...unless they changed that x.x

Anyways.. Good luck and ask away if you need more help.
Onigiri ENG Alpha Tester IGN: WulfenKnight Lv21, Hekaru Lv30, WolfenKnight Lv11
Onigiri ENG Closed Beta Tester IGN: WulfenKnight, Hikari Lv20, Hekaru
Here's my Old Alpha Guide-->: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2069
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