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Help FAQ

Postby Firon » 16 Jun 2017, 06:11

There are a few questions that have been asked a lot in this topic so I'll try to compile them here as they come up. I'm not actually knowledgeable on all issues so if you don't see your question here or if an answer doesn't work for you, feel free to make a new thread.

Q: I'm Stuck in full screen mode and I can't press any of the buttons to exit it.

Takoyaki (Admin) wrote:If you cannot access the buttons or play the game properly due to the screen resolution being too large, please navigate and delete the temporary files in the folder located at:

USERNAME would be replaced with the name of the account you are logged in with. If you cannot see the AppData folder, please look into how to "Enable hidden files" for Windows.

Once the folder's content been deleted, please restart your client and the screen resolution should return to its default size. Please note this method resets all other settings on your game client such as graphic and audio settings, as well as your saved username and password.

We hope this fixes your issue and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Q: I'm having some graphics issues.

A: Try upgrading your graphics card of updating your drivers.

Q: I tried opening Onigiri but it's not appearing even though I can see it running in the task manager?

A: Chances are that the game's updating. Give it a little longer.

Q: I can't turn in a quest.

A: Do you have the item favourited? Do you have space to accept all the rewards (without overflowing the maximum limit of each item, usually 99, or overflowing your maximum inventory capacity)?

The Onigiri Official FAQ has improved considerably at some point so if you don't find your answer in this post, you may find it there.
Last edited by Firon on 11 Aug 2017, 04:54, edited 4 times in total.
IGN: Firon - TS (PC)
Posts: 957
Joined: 29 Jul 2014, 00:45

Re: Help FAQ

Postby Riddras » 25 Jun 2017, 17:57

Quite a few players have asked this: When starting Onigiri, the launcher doesn't pop up. This usually happens after maintenance for an update, and resolves itself by leaving it to download the update. It will be longer if the internet connection is slower. Most players who don't know about this will immediately go to task manager and endlessly kill and restart the program thinking something is wrong.
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Re: Help FAQ

Postby Firon » 25 Jun 2017, 20:14

Riddras wrote:Quite a few players have asked this: When starting Onigiri, the launcher doesn't pop up. This usually happens after maintenance for an update, and resolves itself by leaving it to download the update. It will be longer if the internet connection is slower. Most players who don't know about this will immediately go to task manager and endlessly kill and restart the program thinking something is wrong.

I guess I'll add this in.
IGN: Firon - TS (PC)
Posts: 957
Joined: 29 Jul 2014, 00:45

Re: Help FAQ

Postby Firon » 25 Jul 2017, 05:27

IGN: Firon - TS (PC)
Posts: 957
Joined: 29 Jul 2014, 00:45

Re: Help FAQ

Postby Firon » 12 Aug 2017, 02:07

IGN: Firon - TS (PC)
Posts: 957
Joined: 29 Jul 2014, 00:45

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