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$15 Ultimate Game Card doesn't work?

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$15 Ultimate Game Card doesn't work?

Postby Darthtux » 02 Jul 2014, 18:13

I bought 2 $15 dollar ultimate game cards for OC, but there was no $15 selection. I thought there would be a paybycash option like in Cosmic Break where you can combine cards and get that amount but they don't have that...... I tried doing the $10 option, but for some reason they declined the offer even though it was a $15 card?

So If you know a solution to this problem could you tell me asap? Thank you!
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Re: $15 Ultimate Game Card doesn't work?

Postby Kusanagi » 02 Jul 2014, 19:51

If I recall correctly, ultimate gamers card was being removed from the market August, and some games have opted to not accepting them anymore before that date,which might be your issue in this case.

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Re: $15 Ultimate Game Card doesn't work?

Postby SupremeTentacle » 04 Jul 2014, 12:32

Just had this issue as well, when I nabbed myself a 25 dollar card on my way back from a jog =|
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