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Lost characters?

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Lost characters?

Postby Kisaro-san » 14 Dec 2018, 20:46

Hi everyone, I'm new to these forums (never had a real interest in the forums beforehand);

I am a returning player from some odd 2-3 years ago, mainly 2016 I believe. I came to check on the game and in-game and to read and experience new things again after it's been so long. For some reason (and I know it is the correct information as I don't have another email I would have used and I did check them all), all of my old characters including one that was 100+ are gone. I never lent my password to anyone and I always kept my account secure. Does anyone know if there was a character deletion in the past or is it truly the work of some odd hackers that I'm reading about.. I don't think that's the case because the forums I read about that were years old. I know I was able to log in around last year and I still had access.. What gives? Will it do me any good to contact support?

I appreciate all of the help and your time.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2018, 20:40

Re: Lost characters?

Postby Riddras » 25 Dec 2018, 20:16

Hi welcome back. As far as I know there has not been any character deletions by CS. Best way to find out what happened is by contacting their support, yes.
Ign: Riddras
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