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Tiamat Dungeon Cutscene Bug

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2014, 20:15
by Kagome Kagome
So we are playing the Tiamat dungeon, and we die, thank you devs for being nice enough to let us continue from where we left off, but, when we go to fight tiamat, we get killed because we cant skip the cut scene in a party. Can you please fix this. That or please nerf the guy. he is very hard to fight, even at a higher level.
Feeling: :evil:

PostPosted: 05 Jul 2014, 06:56
by Ryouko
Do not fight him in a party. All dungeons get harder when you are in a party. I recommend soloing him to make it easier.

He is actually very easy to kill even if you are level 14. Simply get a wand that is your level or a little lower and make sure it has attacks. Simply dodge his fireballs and keep at a safe distance and continually use the wand to attack him, also don't forget to use the specials of the wand. Killing him this way may be a bit longer but, it does get the job done.