Game Stability - Bug while fighting
Posted: 05 Jul 2014, 10:21
Love the game by the way and I am unsure where to put my concerns to the Dev. team. So here seem appropriate.
My biggest issue at the moment is when I am in combat (In or out of dungeons). I notice that I will drop any significant fps and the game will stall out. I wait about 30 seconds to find out that my character is dead. Which is unfortunate because I seem to use more soul eggs on this situation then if I legitimately die. I am not blaming 100% of the issue on the game however no other game will lag out in such a horrible manner.
I question the game's stability during peak hours seeing as it is becoming very popular.
There are also time when a lot of people are flooded into one area that the game takes an unusual amount of time to accommodate for each player and once again causing my game to lag.
I have had it crash but I stuck through and waited till the game responded (About a minute or more wait). Once being a full crash where the game closed all together.
No to mention if there are a lot of players grouped up not doing anything it makes moving tedious.
My two cents cause I want this game to be awesome! Good luck doing a great job so far.
PS. More clothes please! ^__^
My biggest issue at the moment is when I am in combat (In or out of dungeons). I notice that I will drop any significant fps and the game will stall out. I wait about 30 seconds to find out that my character is dead. Which is unfortunate because I seem to use more soul eggs on this situation then if I legitimately die. I am not blaming 100% of the issue on the game however no other game will lag out in such a horrible manner.
I question the game's stability during peak hours seeing as it is becoming very popular.
There are also time when a lot of people are flooded into one area that the game takes an unusual amount of time to accommodate for each player and once again causing my game to lag.
I have had it crash but I stuck through and waited till the game responded (About a minute or more wait). Once being a full crash where the game closed all together.
No to mention if there are a lot of players grouped up not doing anything it makes moving tedious.
My two cents cause I want this game to be awesome! Good luck doing a great job so far.
PS. More clothes please! ^__^