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The Proverbial Best Easiest Onigiri Manual?

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 01:29
by Leafay

This might be an unfair question I know, but what is the best user-friendly Onigiri manual out there to help one out through Onigiri's features and basics and details almost step-by-step?

"Prov" in Feedback and Suggestions said "There are already many guides out there that do this" but multiplicity's really confusing and forces people, especially clueless newbies like moi (I LOVE expert players who kindly haven't forgotten where they came from! :) ), to go on treasure hunts all over the web for answers when they could be playing this great game. An interactive in-game manual would be really nice (I'd be happy to be part of such a project collating player recommendations and suggestions! :) ), especially one where you just input "How do I...?" or "Where can I...?" or worst, "Why did this...?", but till that happens these very useful user-provided topics will go swell and bloat in twenty different topics with much desired but hard to sort out buried great solutions to common questions.

Like why are my F-keys icons all blank when I have an inventory full of food and soul eggs that's keeping me from daring a dungeon, and I'm having great difficulty switching weapons from twin-blade to stone axe... :( :(

I hope Cyberstep considers searchable Q&A clearinghouse in future versions.

Thanks all!

Re: The Proverbial Best Easiest Onigiri Manual?

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2014, 02:20
by Falbelmz
Hey Leaf-san! ^^
There's not actually a starter guide around...There are some videos on youtube if you would like to check them up, but it is immensely useful to look up those weapon guides too.
Well it really depends on which weapon you are using, as the most useful guides will be those which are related to your weapon.
This is a rough list if the ones I approve not. Not that the rest are not as good, but these are great for starters! ^^
Sword/Odachi/Axe: Lifariz's guide viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2649
Twin swords: None (Might do one one of these days :p)
Spear: Either Blanc;s guide for a more complete overview viewtopic.php?f=12&t=2652 or SupremeTentacle's guide for blunt, straight-forward analysis viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3467
Bow: Otonashi's guide (The one that made me try bows) viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3165
Staff/Wand: Sunnova's guide viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3567
Happy reading!
[Btw, you need to open your inventory, move your cursor over the item you want to add to the F keys, hold it down and drag it to an empty F-key slot and let go to place it there. To use your item, just press the F-whatever key respective to it. Soul eggs cannot be placed in the F-slots, but when you die you can use them to revive yourself - There's a screen with just that option.)