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[REQUEST] about ping tester

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[REQUEST] about ping tester

Postby moonice » 26 Jul 2014, 03:47

Requesting better ping tester like this for every channels :!:
or just simply give me the server adresses.

in Batch (.bat) or (.cmd) format
Code: Select all
@ECHO off
REM original code from PlanetSide 2
ECHO 1 - Onigiri US Ping Test
ECHO 2 - Exit
SET /P M=Input: 

ECHO Onigiri US:               %msc% %status%

SET msc=Error
SET status=
FOR /F "tokens=4 delims==" %%i IN ('ping.exe -n 1 %1 ^| FIND "ms"') DO SET msc=%%i

If you're good with codes then please try to make it better.
Last edited by moonice on 26 Jul 2014, 14:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [REQUEST] about ping tester

Postby Falbelmz » 26 Jul 2014, 08:07

Well...Actually, not a bad idea. I'm not too proficient in Batch/cmd files so I can't really edit your coding...However, I would like to suggest several improvements in the design of this ping test:
1. The ping test is strictly between your exe.file/general network speed and the Onigiri server. However, as this is an MMORPG (massive is the key word here), it may have several sub-servers that the cilent will connect to based on latency (The thing that affects lag). The ping-test can be considered inconsistent due to the possibility of the ping test conducted to either the main server or one of the sub-server, as based on what the code directs it too. You can include more prompts to resend packages when incepting unaccessible/high latency results from servers.
2. When creating variables, try including an encapsulation of the scope. (I think it's the endLocal/setLocal commands but I' you're probably 100x better than me on this)
3. The exit...? (I can't identify it - Is it the gota - MENU prompt?)
4. Not a improvement of sorts but you could change de name......Crediting Sh4rkill3rSG is fine but you're making it as if he's doing it.

Hope these help!
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Re: [REQUEST] about ping tester

Postby Caillend » 26 Jul 2014, 14:04

I guess no one can give you the actual IP that these servers can try it with the "login" server, but i guess you can only ping them until you reach the security border fo the server center.

I use WTFast to get rid of some ping spikes etc. and it works good but i have no clue where the server is physically located, so it makes it hard for me to choose the right setting so i sent a support request for that IP a week ago and still no answer...hope you get something from them and maybe this nice ping tester works then.
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Re: [REQUEST] about ping tester

Postby moonice » 26 Jul 2014, 14:25

I'm no good with codes to start with, thats why Im requesting for another tester like this.
And yes this is a copy-pasted work. :|
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