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*Issues for [New Players]*

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 09:00
by DarkHate
Shizuka and Yoshitsune aren't working correctly, Shizuka isn't identifying and Yoshitsune isn't repairing weapons.

So a lot of us new players are stuck, and there is nothing that can be done about it until the game is fixed...

It is effecting friendship and story line quests that prevent us from moving forward in the game.

I currently can't turn in any more quests until Shizuka & Yoshitsune get their actions resolved.

I can partner with them alright, and after getting Yoshitsune, my Shizuka no longer heals herself when dismissed.

Only Yoshitsune heals regardless of whether I use Shizuka or Yoshitsune.


Thanks for reading this.

I would really appreciate being able to advance the story once these are taken care of~ <3 ~


Chibi~chan the Cautious Wand~aler

Re: *Issues for [New Players]*

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 17:46
by DarkHate
someone please respond to this, I really want this fixed so I can move forward and not be behind everyone else :3

at least check the programming or something, this happened to 3 characters I made, each have the same issue

Re: *Issues for [New Players]*

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2014, 22:48
by Otonashi
Provide screenshots, actions that you took up to the point where you got stuck at, something at least that will help us solve the problem. From your post, even if I was a developer I wouldn't be able to fix the issue or where to start looking (and even with some information the number of things that could possibly cause such an issue are too many to check).

I created a new character, cleared the first main quest with it. Shizuka and Yoshitsune are my only partners as of now, and both of them are working properly.

Re: *Issues for [New Players]*

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2014, 00:00
by Bernkastel
i unlocked those around lvl 7-8
did you feed them enough friendship items

Re: *Issues for [New Players]*

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2014, 20:10
by DarkHate
They got plenty of items, but they still won't identify or repair weapons.

Shizuka is Lv2 and Yoshitsune will not accept anymore to level until Shizuka identifies and vice versa, Shizuka will not accept anymore until Yoshitsune repairs a weapon.

This is why it's a problem.

That and until this catch22 gets resolved, I cannot accept or get any new main quests.

That is why this is effecting all new players.

This is making me wonder what should I do, because the same issue is happening to every new character that I make. Unless a mod or a game tech knows why they aren't working correctly for new players, no one will be able to join.

Re: *Issues for [New Players]*

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2014, 13:25
by YC56
First unless you are using another weapon, most use the dagger which doesn't need to be repaired. Second, when you start to talk to Suzuka, you have to left click twice to get the menu when the Identify option is because she is talking about the Rest Stop quest. You can use the weapon enhancement option to use the weapons, you don't need.

Re: *Issues for [New Players]*

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2014, 09:26
by DarkHate
The game isn't allowing any of my characters to continue with main quests until Shizuka identifies a weapon & Yoshitsune repairs a weapon.

This is the issue with the game for new players, and it needs to be addressed.

There is nothing that says one has to be Lv25 before they will do so.

The game needs to get fixed so whichever update screwed up the beginning needs to have the glitch removed or bug fixed so new players can participate.

Seriously, I love Wands and can't wait to use their awesome spell list ^__^


Techs find the update that ruins the game for new players and solve the problem it has created.