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Switching weapons prevents mouse use (sometimes)

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2014, 08:08
by Firon
When I switch weapons, usually from slots 2 and 4 (left and right) to 1 (up), I sometimes lose mouse control. I'm not sure if it's the slot change order that's the problem because I keep my main weps left and right etc. but if it happens I can't change the camera angle or right click to use skills. I think an X also appears in the corner without the blue circle background but am not to sure since I'm usually trying not to die by running in straight lines XD. Pressing alt twice re-enables mouse control but it's still a problem because if you're luring, the pack usually breaks -.-

I've asked a few ppl and apparently it's just me :(

This is what I mean by the X:

-just noticed, the sake bottles are also missing
-also, the X doesn't appear everytime it happens

Re: Switching weapons prevents mouse use (sometimes)

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2014, 02:27
by Lynneth
Use alt to alternate it manually make the mouse icon appear.

The game control is terribad, yes. They don't release any fix either ._.
The default camera angle is also terribad. Especially in small space which packing many enemies, like Echigo Estate.

Re: Switching weapons prevents mouse use (sometimes)

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2014, 05:14
by Nihility
Firon wrote:I've asked a few ppl and apparently it's just me :(

Nope, it's not just you. Happens to me as well.