Whisper Blocking Feature
Posted: 02 Dec 2014, 06:58
Good Day! Cyberstep Team
I would like to propose a feature that will benefit everyone. Recently me and some of my friends have been receiving spam whisper from low level players to be leech, I really don't mind helping out others but some players won't quit they keeps bugging us even though we already told them that we're busy. Again Please don't get us wrong we do help players but we have our characters and quest to do. And thus I reach a conclusion to propose a chat feature that will block and unblock player whisper's. I hope you can address our concern.
I would like to propose a feature that will benefit everyone. Recently me and some of my friends have been receiving spam whisper from low level players to be leech, I really don't mind helping out others but some players won't quit they keeps bugging us even though we already told them that we're busy. Again Please don't get us wrong we do help players but we have our characters and quest to do. And thus I reach a conclusion to propose a chat feature that will block and unblock player whisper's. I hope you can address our concern.