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Chiami Magatama recipe

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2015, 18:31
by Monobear

As the title says, where can I hunt or find Chiami Magatama recipe?
Thanks in advance for the answers!

Re: Chiami Magatama recipe

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2015, 18:33
by Monobear
ay nvm, I found one already in well of five virtues. :lol:
now, orange glass marble :\

Re: Chiami Magatama recipe

PostPosted: 09 Jul 2015, 22:56
by Takoyaki
Good luck with your quest! :D

Re: Chiami Magatama recipe

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2015, 00:48
by Firon
Monobear wrote:now, orange glass marble :\

Plover Pit boss chests or daiku cave hard. The odds are really low, though. You might also be able to buy one relatively cheaply since a lot of people have gotten them from glass baskets from events... maybe.

Re: Chiami Magatama recipe

PostPosted: 10 Jul 2015, 23:13
by Monobear
Takoyaki wrote:Good luck with your quest! :D

Firon wrote:
Monobear wrote:now, orange glass marble :\

Plovr Pit boss chests or daiku cave hard. The odds are really low, though. You might also be able to buy one relatively cheaply since a lot of people have gotten them from glass baskets from events... maybe.

Thanks for the information!

(Gosh, I need to remove the "e" in pl0ver for me to be able to post. Why is the word l0ve not allowed?)