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Can´t Login

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2014, 13:40
by Geno
^As you can read I can´t login :x
My Onigiri is already finished with downloading,
but if I want to log in, there is no place to write my ID or Password.
Then I tried to click some points. If I clicked the black thing at the left the ID and Password field appeared for 2 seconds and
disappeared later.

Thanks for all answers c:

Re: Can´t Login

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2014, 02:05
by Daiki

Re: Can´t Login

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2014, 05:28
by Geno
Thanks for the answer^^
And I got an another problem :c
I thought I registered in Onigiri but there is coming an Error Code
can someone send me the site, where I can register? c:

Edit: Nevermind i did it c: