Can't get out of Kyoto please help [Urgent]
Posted: 24 Dec 2015, 09:41
Hey, I just started playing onigiri very recently and somehow managed to use all my friendship items on Ibara levelling up because well... Because... And what happened was that everything was smooth sailing until I cleared mount kurama and after that I got a main quest to go to Yoshi and after that no more main quests. I read around on the forums and did all the solutions.. Still no main quest... So what happened was that well... I messed up badly and I can't level up a new character as it is too time consuming. I saw a post on the forum where they said I need to increase my Shizuka level which I am all for if it were not for the tremendously low drop rates for friendship items all of the sudden. I cleared Mount kurama 5 times on hell mode without a single friendship pendant or item of sorts! Please help me! I need to get out of kyoto are there any solutions!