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No smelting option...

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2016, 17:01
by Storm Kat
I'm currently level 32 and I'm pretty decently far in the story, but I haven't got the option to be able to smelt things yet, I've done all her quests but I've yet to receive the option...does anyone know why it may be doing this?

Re: No smelting option...

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2016, 17:12
by Khaos Muffins
Level up YoSHITsune

Re: No smelting option...

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2016, 17:13
by Firon
Storm Kat wrote:I'm currently level 32 and I'm pretty decently far in the story, but I haven't got the option to be able to smelt things yet, I've done all her quests but I've yet to receive the option...does anyone know why it may be doing this?

Just checking. Have you done the "Craft the Onidachi" quest (or whatever it was called)?

Re: No smelting option...

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2016, 17:21
by Storm Kat
I have her to level 7 and I done the quest. Just to be sure I crafted like 3 of them but still no results ._.

Re: No smelting option...

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2016, 17:28
by Firon
Wrong quest, sorry. Meant "Weapon Enhancement".

Re: No smelting option...

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2016, 17:39
by Storm Kat
Yeah. I have a bunch of weapons at level 10. And I've done all the quest for her up until now. I'm thinking it might be a bug. Because after I first got the final material for it(Daruma Pipe) instead of crafting it I have it to the kid in that one quest for show and tell. And then I accepted the quest for the Onidachi. And I didn't do it until I got to the second town.(Kasuma I think...)

Re: No smelting option...

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2016, 19:49
by HelixDraxzonyx
The Oninodachi quest should only affect Weapon Smithing, not Smelting. The only thing you need to do to unlock Smelting is enhance a weapon to +10, and then the option appears in between Enhancement and Smithing. Aside from levelling up Yoshitsune and clearing any side quests she has, I can't think of anything. Then again, if she's Level 7 she should already have it, in that case you'd have to contact CyberStep.

Re: No smelting option...

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2016, 20:45
by Storm Kat
Ok, thank you. I found it odd myself. My other character I had before I replaced it with this one had smelting quite early and I just found it odd that this time it just suddenly became inaccessible. I will contact them to see what they can do ._.

Re: No smelting option...

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2016, 19:11
by HelixDraxzonyx
Yeah, you *should* be able to unlock Smelting before you even leave Onigashima. I've gone into Kumaso with +30 weapons before, so it's bizarre that you can't do it now. Seems like every time CS makes an update, bugs appear and shit goes wrong. There's still a lot that needs fixing as well.