Partner Priority
20 Mar 2016, 10:01
by Reisen
What should be the recommended level up priority of my partners?
Re: Partner Priority
20 Mar 2016, 16:57
by Khaos Muffins
They're all useful except for Susanoo.
Friendship Pendant: Shizuka> Amaterasu
Friendship book: YoSHITsune > Susanoo
Friendship goldfish Momo> Ibaraki
Friendship toy-thing-present: Miroku > Kaguya (then later on its the opposite)
Re: Partner Priority
20 Mar 2016, 19:55
by HelixDraxzonyx
Personally I'd prioritize Amaterasu over Shizuka due to Titles, Nigimitama and Sakimitama. Weapon ID'ing is important, obviously, but not *that* important. Yoshitsune over Susanoo for sure. I'd only prioritize Iburaki until you have the Chidori alcohol, then focus on Momo for Skill levelling, evolution and extraction. As for Kaguya and Miroku, prioritising Miroku is fine to begin with, but once you unlock ornamentation, it's best to focus on Kaguya, and make the most out of your magatama.
But that's just me.
Re: Partner Priority
23 Mar 2016, 14:30
by Papaya
I agree with Helix, Momo is leagues better than Ibaraki. Shizuka and Amaterasu are probably the hardest for me to choose between because they both offer great things, but storage space and identifying should be your priority until late game when you really need Amaterasu's titles and bonuses. (She also gives you status points which is awesome.)
I would do some research on Miroku since the magas he offers come and go depending on his level. I've been keeping him at 15-17ish because he's been selling me lots and lots of friendship items.
I probably neglect Ibaraki and Susanoo more than everyone else.