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PostPosted: 13 May 2016, 06:47
by Rainmaker
Okay, so I got a new laptop, installed Onigiri and found out that I can't adjust the screen resolution. I can click the resolution box but the only resolution there is 1280 x 768. My screen resolution is 1366 x 768. Running the game on windows 8.1, if that info might help.

Re: Resolution

PostPosted: 13 May 2016, 14:53
by EmeraldWolf
Rainmaker wrote:Okay, so I got a new laptop, installed Onigiri and found out that I can't adjust the screen resolution. I can click the resolution box but the only resolution there is 1280 x 768. My screen resolution is 1366 x 768. Running the game on windows 8.1, if that info might help.

Have same issue but just with my monitor, there is no way to fix it, they simply don't support that resolution in any CS games. The best option is to play in windowed.

Re: Resolution

PostPosted: 13 May 2016, 20:44
by HelixDraxzonyx
Strange. My resolution is 1366x768, and I play full screen with no problems. Nothing cut off, no black bars, nothing. It's all good.

Re: Resolution

PostPosted: 14 May 2016, 01:11
by EmeraldWolf
HelixDraxzonyx wrote:Strange. My resolution is 1366x768, and I play full screen with no problems. Nothing cut off, no black bars, nothing. It's all good.

You sure it's simply not stretching your window to fit the resultion it sets. Check your settings, it won't say your resolution but another. You can have this game full screen with this resolution but it looks stretched which is why I have it windowed in a smaller resolution so theres no stretch.

Re: Resolution

PostPosted: 14 May 2016, 19:31
by HelixDraxzonyx
It's not stretched. I know that much. It looks absolutely perfect. I *would* play windowed if we could freely adjust the size however we want. It'd be handy for if I need to check the wiki quickly, or respond to something on Discord. Can't do that as easily on full screen.

Re: Resolution

PostPosted: 15 May 2016, 18:40
by EmeraldWolf
HelixDraxzonyx wrote:It's not stretched. I know that much. It looks absolutely perfect. I *would* play windowed if we could freely adjust the size however we want. It'd be handy for if I need to check the wiki quickly, or respond to something on Discord. Can't do that as easily on full screen.

Strange, might just be a few monitors that cs hate, though tha lack of an abilty to alt tab out of fullscreen is really annoying, annoyed me alot during my time in Cosmic Break too, wish they would fix that.