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Dungeon Crashes

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2016, 19:06
by Rher
I'm still early on into the game and I'm stuck on one part of "Evacuation Order". Whenever I try and enter the 'Kokujou Forest', it always crashes my game. It doesn't crash with any other dungeon. Any advice or help?

Re: Dungeon Crashes

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2016, 10:40
by The Demon Slayer
Go to my computer >> c >> cyberstep >> (here delete the folder [Onigiri_US])

and then just re-download the game

Re: Dungeon Crashes

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2016, 02:17
by Miyano311
The Demon Slayer wrote:Go to my computer >> c >> cyberstep >> (here delete the folder [Onigiri_US])

and then just re-download the game

Not a good way. The better method is open the set up (yep its Onigiri_USsetup) then choose the Repair option. If game still crashes, choose the Remove option then re-install (which works better than Slayer's way... I believe). And if game stiiiiiiiiiiiill crashes, its your PCs fault :p