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S> Marbles and crafting items

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2014, 09:18
by onoshi
Selling many marbles as per the picture and selling magatama crafting items such as Glitteringbabyflywings and Centipede's poison just ask for anything else I might have. All crafting items will be at min prices as for marbles all will be 4C except for red-purples(15C) and blue-greens(10C)

Whisper me @ KaguraKai

Re: S> Marbles and crafting items

PostPosted: 07 Aug 2014, 19:44
by SupremeTentacle
Would you happen to have any ash glass?

If so, I would like to purchase two, so that I can finish my snails pace collection.

Re: S> Marbles and crafting items

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2014, 03:30
by onoshi
SupremeTentacle wrote:Would you happen to have any ash glass?

If so, I would like to purchase two, so that I can finish my snails pace collection.

Sorry I only have what is in the picture now I sold most before I posted I well however let you know if I get more if you still need