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Buying TAIITSU Magatama and KOURYUU Magatama

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2014, 00:15
by Riken

Taiitsu Magatama (i still need 2 pcs.) (18oc ea)
Kouryuu Magatama (i only need 1 pc.) (11oc)

both magatama's are color pink and for staff users.

Re: Buying TAIITSU Magatama and KOURYUU Magatama

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2014, 00:39
by Yui Hirasaka
Konnichiwa Riken-san

What times are you usually online? I got a few magas to spare if you are interested. Just pm me in game and I will try to reply as soon as possible. Hope to hear from you soon. ^^,

Re: Buying TAIITSU Magatama and KOURYUU Magatama

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2014, 00:48
by JaneMisha
Me have a Taiitsu can whisper me in 6h AM ~9h AM PDT.Sell min price if you like.
JaneMisha (daring/dex) lvl 72
WendieNamiko( def/vit) lvl 62